Who am I?

My name is Daniel Schneider. I'm currently (as of November 2021) searching for employment as a software engineer, preferably in the gaming industry.

What is this website?

This website, along with my Github, serves as a repository for a number of projects I've been working on over past few years. As you might expect, they are in various stages of completion and functionality.

The Magic Bracket is the main project hosted on this website. You can read more about it here.

Set is the first project I wrote for this website, mainly as a way to get some minimal experience with front-end web development under my belt. You can find the rules of the game here. The project is mostly functional, although there is no clear ending of the game.

Sushi Go is an imcomplete adaptation of the card game of the same name. I started this project as an attempt to create a simple, in-browser multiplayer game. Ultimately, I've abandoned this project, although I've left it here to showcase a bit of my work.

Interested learning more?

Check out my Github to see source code for this website, as well as other projects of mine.

Find my resume here.

Contact me at daniel.j.schneider31@gmail.com.