There are 3 main things you can do on this page.
1) You can create your own bracket. To do this, make sure the header at the top of the page reads 'Now Creating Your Own Bracket.' If you don't see this, navigate to the options for creating a bracket and click the 'Start Over' button. Then click on each card that you think will win its matchup. After completing a division of 16 cards, you'll be prompted to continue to the next division. You can also navigate to a specific division using the 'Go to division' option at the top of the page. Once you've finished all 8 division, you can fill out the top 8. Once you've finished filling out the entire bracket, you can save your bracket server-side. You can also generate a string of digits which will represent your bracket. You can share your completed bracket with others either by sharing the name you used to save your bracket, or the compressed string.
2) You can view your own bracket or brackets created by others. To do so, navigate to the options for viewing a bracket. You can either copy a compressed string into the text box labeled 'Copy a saved bracket here' and clicking 'display bracket', or you can load a bracket by a user's name. Once you have loaded the bracket, you can switch divisions by using the 'go to division' option at the top of the page. Once results from round 8 begin to come in, you'll be able to see which picks are right or wrong, and how many points the bracket you're viewing has scored.
3) You can view the live bracket results by clicking the button 'See Live Bracket Results'. These will be updated within 1 hour of the results being made public. As before, you can swap between divisions by using the 'go to division' option at the top of the page.
If anything here isn't particularly clear, feel free to let me know. I'm pretty new to front-end web design :)
Also, of course pleaselet me know about any bugs you find or any features you'd like to see implemented. You can find out how to contact me here.